读特客户端·深圳新闻网2022年5月14日讯(记者 鹿筱悦 冯牧原 林恒鑫 张玲 李丹璐)上一期深圳有滋味,我们说到“甘坑古镇是深圳市古村落之一,这里曾是客家人聚居地,古建筑众多,房连巷通。有建于雍正年间的状元府?!闭庖淮危颐谴闳?/span>状元府走一遭,还要一键穿越回宋朝,去看看四月举行的甘坑古镇花朝节。
Last episode, we talked about Gankeng Town, one of ancient villages in Shenzhen. It was once a Hakka community settlement with many ancient buildings, one of which is the Zhuangyuan Mansion that built in Yongzheng's ruling years.
This time,we will show you the Zhuangyuan Mansion and the Flower Festival in Gankeng Town. Let's get back to the Song Dynasty!
状元府门口。(张玲 摄)
轻叩,谁来为我开门?(张玲 摄)
状元府内有天井,正下方即为水池,采集天光也可收集雨水,水中养有鱼儿若干条,为状元府增添几许生气。(张玲 摄)
打开木门,即可通往后花园。(张玲 摄)
记者鹿筱悦摇身一变,穿越回宋朝。(张玲 摄)
状元府内的书房。(张玲 摄)
状元府其中一间屋子开辟为讲堂。(张玲 摄)
甘坑古镇的古典美学讲究对称美。(李丹璐 摄)
状元府的宫灯。(张玲 摄)
这一笔,但求力透纸背。(张玲 摄)
吊兰也开了米粒大小的花儿。(张玲 摄)
Flower festival, commonly known as"flower's birthday", is not only a traditional festival of Han costume, but also one of the activities that can not be missed by traditional culture lovers and Han costume fans!
The flower festival is popular in Northeast China, North China, East China, central and South China. It is usually held on the second day of February in the lunar calendar. The dates of the festival varies from place to place may be related to different blooming periods in different places.
凤凰谷。(李丹璐 摄)
甘坑古镇里的古建筑屋檐。(李丹璐 摄)
春天,百花盛开。在古代中国,花朝节就是百花的生日。(张玲 摄)
甘坑古镇花朝节,再现花朝节胜景。(张玲 摄)
人比花娇。(张玲 摄)
花簪。(张玲 摄)
甘坑古镇凤凰谷戏台是花朝节主会场。(张玲 摄)
花的仙子,各有各的美。(张玲 摄)
花朝节祭拜仪式。(张玲 摄)
The flower festival is dedicated to worshiping the flower goddess, and to praying for her blessing for the prosperity of flowers and plants.
China is one of the nations that specially set a festival to celebrate flowers, and they keep this tradition for thousands of years. It can be seen that the Chinese nation has a long-standing fondness for flowers.
榫卯结构,令人叹为观止。(李丹璐 摄)
甘坑城门夜景,灯笼一亮,仿佛天上宫阙。(李丹璐 摄)
甘味巷里有美食。(李丹璐 摄)
各色宫灯,你爱哪一款?(李丹璐 摄)
4、假日接驳专线:甘坑古镇-甘坑地铁站 服务时间:周末及节假日8:00-21:00
【Info】Gankeng Town
Address:18th Ganli Road, Jihua Street, Longgang District,Shenzhen
1、Take metro Line10 to Gankeng station and Liangmaoshan station.
2、Take bus M224, M268 and980,etc to Gankeng town station.
3、Drive and navigate to"Gankeng town".
4、*Holiday Connecting Line:Gankeng town-Gankeng metro station
Service time:8:00-21:00 on weekends and holidays
Tickets:For free